Mentoring Especially for Singles & Wives
Are you looking for tailored advice on improving your marriage and relationship with your spouse?
Do you want to get married or found someone to marry and feel confused about the many things to consider?
Then my singles and spouse relationship mentoring is for you!
As an experienced mentor for over 10 years and a wife of 20+ years, I too struggled to be a tranquil wife while simultaneously being a peaceful parent and finding time for myself. Before marriage, I had no clue what I was getting into, and wished someone could have guided me to avoid making countless mistakes after marriage.
*Need mentoring as a single man or husband? CLICK HERE to request via email a discovery call with a qualified male mentor.
Balancing life and marriage seemed like such a tall order!
I felt like I could never stay on top of my tasks and boast, "I've succeeded!" I did not excel in any of my roles as a woman, and I looked at my responsibilities as a checklist instead of as part of life.
Besides that, most days, I felt like a hamster on a wheel, resentful and tired, thinking I had no choice nor options. I hopelessly affirmed that this is how it's supposed to be, and it was impossible to please everyone, especially my husband!
I turned to the wrong girlfriends (cringe), who not only agreed with my negative feelings and cheered me on, but gave me bad advice and made me feel worse about femininity, parenting, marriage, and men!
When I thought I was not supported and appreciated by my husband and kids, I'd lash out, yell, cry, and feel sad, and truly alone. I would blame my spouse when I felt stressed-out and overwhelmed and used control tactics on my family to restore order in hopes of gaining peace of mind.
It sounds terrible, but many women behave like this without realizing it.
My temporary solutions for relief had long-term negative consequences! Instead of achieving peace, it caused tension in our home, especially with my husband. Plus, I still felt burned out, and the same ol' vicious cycle would continue.
I wanted to feel cherished and supported!
Thank Allah SWT, I realized many things after learning the skills of being a tranquil woman, peaceful mother, and contented wife. Things are not always black and white, and many of us were never taught the necessary skills (that’s why I help singles with pre-marriage too).
Things such as how a man thinks, how to thrive in a relationship from an Islamic perspective, what to expect and not expect from marriage, and how couples can maintain their individuality without controlling one another.
Also, society has corrupted our fitra (innate nature) as wives and mothers, so we are going against our true selves, which causes a myriad of issues. This affects our relationships by making us feel hopeless about finding a good spouse and disappointed after marriage.
When I discovered the solutions to my problems as a woman, my life took a 180 degree turn towards real contentment. I learned how to focus on myself, my actions, and the energy I brought to my relationships. This brought drastic positive outcomes for my family, gave me more time to pursue my hobbies, and gave me more pleasure in my day-to-day life.
Let me help you find the same.
I specifically keep the mentoring sessions free-flowing and devoid of hectic worksheets and workbooks because I found in the past that this caused my clients to feel stressed-out. It may be beneficial in some cases, so it will be offered, but it will always be optional.
Try a single sister or wife mentoring session and see how life-changing it can be for your relationship, but mostly for your happiness. There is no need to wonder if you should get this support, as I offer a no-obligation consultation so you can find out.
What mentoring is…
It is focused on guiding the woman as a whole and in her role as a wife before and after marriage.
Through the program, a woman can positively impact her future and present husband's relationship with her.
It does not need a husband's intervention to work.
It is aimed at women who are serious about improving their relationship with men and their spouse.
It is for women who are married to decent guys devoid of extreme personality and behavioral issues and addictions.
It is for women who want to rekindle their intimacy and regain more of their husband's love and affection.
It is for women who wish to improve their relationships with the men in their lives, such as fathers, brothers, sons, etc., and become smarter communicators.
It’s for Muslim women who need help getting married and deciding on a spouse and may not have support from family.
What mentoring isn’t…
It is not meant as marriage counseling or couples therapy where you complain about one another and blame is placed on one or the other. Mentors focus on deriving positive and successful outcomes.
It is not for extreme martial abuse - please get the help you need from your local imam, counselor, or therapist.
It is not for women who are closed-minded to change, man-haters, hardcore feminists, and male-bashers - though, after this mentoring, it could help change anyone's mind.
It will not be easy to accept the skills if a woman disagrees with the laws of her faith, her husband's rights, and embracing her gender role.
It is not for women who suffer childhood trauma or are in an oppressive situation - you need proper counseling for these issues - after that, the program could help.
Have more questions?
Read the Mentoring FAQ and my Mentoring Information Page.
Shoot me an email at hello@zakeeyaali.com or send me a text via Telegram if you want to find out more. You’ll receive a response within 24 business hours (Mon-Fri) inshallah.
Mentoring For Brothers
If you are a brother who needs mentoring as a single, husband, father, or for personal development and business, you can get support with a qualified and experienced male mentor.
Return Client Or Ready To Book?
Click below to book your session. You receive a discount for multiple sessions, and the monthly package is the best deal. Most clients end-up booking more sessions for bigger issues, and some choose to have on-going sessions weekly or monthly to release stress and have an advisor on hand.
Client Testimonials
"Needed this support to help me realize that I needed to relinquish control towards the people I cared about the most."
- Asma, USA
"Wow, I feel like I was told so many lies as a woman by society, which made my life so much harder!"
- Khadija, AU
"Why did we never learn these skills as young girls? It would've saved us so much time and angst."
- Jenna, CA
"She tells you what you need to hear in such a gentle and positive way - like a trusted friend who you know only ever wants the very best for you."
~ Miatta, UK
My Commitment To You
You will not think the same after beginning this journey of discovery, inshallah. Clients have described my mentoring as “life-changing,” “eye-opening,” and “extremely beneficial,” alhumdulillah. I also never pressure clients to book sessions, as the effectiveness of my mentoring speaks for itself. Every person I’ve mentored, noticed a vast improvement in some aspect of their life.
I also commit to keeping my mentoring fee minimal so more Muslims can afford to get the help they need. Compare the cost to other mentors who charge in the hundreds and may not use the same concepts but have similar expertise with over two decades of experience.
Other Available Mentoring
The mentoring support offered is by no means a replacement for advice from a professional. It is not intended to assist those dealing with behavioral and personality disorders, or who have experienced extreme trauma. My commitment is to provide empathetic mentoring based on Islamic psychology and the fitra (innate nature) of human behavior.