The Ideal Way to Educate a Child

Many people have asked me, “What is best, to homeschool or send your child to school?” I always tell them that there's pros and cons to both choices. Then they asked me, “What is the ideal way to educate a child?” I’ve come to realize that my ideal schooling is a mix of homeschool and school and I’ve shared 22 ideals below that I’ve come to appreciate from trying both approaches.

22 Ideals In Educating My Child

  1. Having knowledgeable teachers that love to teach and love children.

  2. Having strong parental support alongside teachers that is encouraging and uplifting for children.

  3. Having hands-on classes for kids where they can put what they learn into practice.

  4. Having kids spend less time doing busy work and more time problem solving and using critical thinking.

  5. Having no homework and doing testing that is relevant and beneficial.

  6. Having respect, etiquette, and manners as an important part of learning and turned into a subject.

  7. Having older and advanced learners help younger and struggling learners.

  8. Having kids not passively being taught but discovering how to teach themselves or learn independently.

  9. Having the concept that being different and independent is encouraged and promoted.

  10. Having Islamic knowledge and history as part of the curriculum and not making it a separate, optional institution.

  11. Having the seeking of knowledge as part of a child’s life and not considered as something you do only when you go to school.

  12. Having the way each child learns first determined and then the child is taught the way they learn best.

  13. Having young kids learn the basics well and then move on to more intricate tasks.

  14. Having ‘late bloomers' not pushed to learn until they are ready and are not labelled as deficient.

  15. Having life skills as a very important part of the syllabus.

  16. Having the seerah and character studies as a compulsory subject.

  17. Having Arabic as a second language and learning to read it from Kindegarten.

  18. Having short Quran and Hadith lessons as daily morning routines before other studies.

  19. Having parents be involved in their child’s education and not place the onus only on teachers and schools.

  20. Having a very fair and balanced discipline system not based on privilege as well as just and logical consequences for behavior.

  21. Having compassion, empathy, and tolerance studies so children can learn to live in harmony with others.

  22. Having Geography and cultural studies to teach children about the world and how people live in other countries (this is hardly touched on in schools, if at all, anymore).

  23. Having free tutoring for struggling children in any grade level.

  24. Having reading as a major part of education and promoting books that are moral and clean.

  25. Having the use of computers in lessons reduced so children can learn to write and spell properly and forbidding smartphones during school hours.

Many of you may now understand that the ideal way children should learn, is not merely a matter of black or white, school or homeschool. It isn't that way at all unfortunately. As parents, we have to realize what our intentions are for our kids future and what to focus on to get there - plain and simple.

Educating our children should not be to please others or to follow the 'norm'. We need to do what's right, what is most effective, what will keep our kids on the siratul-mustaqeem (the straight path), and most importantly, what is pleasing to our Lord. At the end of the day, nothing matters but that. A wise friend once told me,

Sometimes it's not what our kids ARE learning that matters, it is what our kids ARE NOT learning that matters.

What did she mean by this statement? Sometimes we worry more about how much our kids NEED to learn, that we don't consider how much they DON'T NEED to learn. So when you are doubting your abilities to provide alternative education for your kids, you can find peace in knowing that at least you may be preventing them from picking-up the bad elements of life or that which goes against our Deen. Which in itself can be a more successful educational approach.

No matter what your philosophy is on education or how your children are learning at present, our aims as parents is to banish ignorance in ourselves and our children so we can become thinkers who question society’s systems. Also, remember to make dua for guidance for your children all the time, especially when in doubt.

All parents experience doubt at different stages, whether they homeschool or send their child to school, the key is to know what you want to achieve for your child, make istikhara about it, and then formulate a decision from there inshallah. Happy parenting and may Allah make it easy on you, ameen.

Salam, I’m Zakeeya!

I believe being a wife, a mother, and making our homes a sanctuary for our families brings us tremendous blessings, fulfillment, and improves society. Since 2011, I've been committed to helping Muslimas find tranquility in their roles, take better care of themselves, and attain contentment within. Our journey is not an easy one, but I pray the resources and mentoring I offer, will assist in navigating you through your everyday challenges with mindfulness and gratitude, inshallah. Join me as I share wifehood, motherhood, homemaking, and lifestyle solutions that make life more fulfilling for you as a woman! READ MORE

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