Why I Prefer Block Scheduling To Plan My Days as a Mother

When I discovered the block scheduling method, I felt like it was the most effective schedule for me to use in my busy life. I figured out the concept of blocking off spans of time, when I looked at my usual hour-by-hour scheduler and felt like crying in frustration!

After researching more about it, I came across a parent of eight who was promoting it as the only way she could cope with a big family and a busy lifestyle. I thought that if this parent loved it too, it must be as good as I assumed, so I designed one for myself.

I haven't looked back, and I recommend block scheduling to the parents I mentor and anyone who finds it tough to follow a routine.

"The block schedule not only helps you get more done in a day WITHOUT burnout, helps with time management, and makes your home insanely stress-free, but will also magically free up HOURS of time for you to fill with things that fulfill you most and you never feel like you have time for!" - Jordan Page. Parent of 8 Blogger

I prefer the block scheduling approach because:

  • I find it's not rigid but flexible because parent life is sporadic.

  • I do not feel micro-managed by time and in a constant hustle.

  • I find it more effective than a time-based schedule because of the unpredictability of parent life.

  • It allows me to mix and match my to-do's as needed because of "those days" when life doesn't go as planned.

  • I feel it's less overwhelming to keep to because it's based on segments in a whole day instead of hourly pressure.

How To Use A Block Schedule

I break up my day into six blocks of time and keep them at 2-3 hours per block, namely:

  • Early morning - anywhere between 5:00 am to 9:30 am (depending on how early you rise and fajr time).

  • Late morning - anywhere between 9:00 am - 12:00 pm.

  • Early afternoon - anywhere between 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm.

  • Late afternoon - anywhere between 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm.

  • Early evening - anywhere between 6:00 pm -8:00 pm.

  • Late evening - anywhere between 8:00 pm to 11:30 pm (depending on how late you sleep and isha time)

Next, I write everything I need or hope to accomplish during a specific part of the day. This helps me structure my days without feeling like I am being cornered into a rigid timetable. I have one block schedule for weekdays and one block schedule for weekends and holidays.

I separate them because my weekdays significantly differ from my weekends, and most will agree if your family has regular work and school schedules. When I need to accomplish a task, I know which block to write the to-do in and can mentally calculate the preferred time of day. For example:

  • If I need to get groceries - I add this to my errands block.

  • If I have a work commitment - I add it to my work block.

  • If a household task needs to be done - I add it to my chore block.

  • If I make an appointment - I also add it to my errands block.

  • If I need to cook that day - I also add it to my chore block.

  • If I want to organize a meetup or playdate - I add that to my errands block.

Planning my days has become quicker and easier because I've established my blocks and do not have to wonder, "When do I have time for this?" or "What do I need to work on next?" Sometimes, it can change from day to day or even week to week, but the framework is the same. You simply need to remember where each task fits in and add that to your blocks.

Of course, no one's schedule will look the same, and it will fluctuate according to seasons and your stages in life. Meaning, a parent who has a newborn or toddler, or may work outside the home, will have a schedule that looks a lot different from the sample one above. This one is based on living with tweens and teens and working part-time from home.

Also, I don't stress if I can't accomplish all the tasks I've added to my blocks. It's an ideal of what I hope to achieve each day. I accept that I cannot fully control my time and that things like sickness or unexpected appointments can be factors. Never be too rigid in anything you do. Be balanced, like we are told by our beloved Rasoolullah SAW.

Tip: When I first began using my block schedule, I would set a beep on my phone each time a new block started to know it was time to move on to the next part of my day. This helps if you have small kids around or if you lose track of time. 

BONUS OFFER! I'm offering my block schedule printable FREE FOR MEMBERS because I love to share with you the things that have helped make my life easier! So you can find it in the MEMBER VAULT. If you're not yet a member, sign up in the footer for this and many more gifts, especially for subscribers.

My block schedule printables are 8 sheets which include:

  1. A weekday block schedule that's color-coded.

  2. A weekend block schedule that's color-coded.

  3. A weekday black and white block schedule for you to color-in with highlighters.

  4. A weekend black and white block schedule for you to color-in with highlighters.

  5. A weekday block schedule that's color-coded to add your own times.

  6. A weekend block schedule color-coded add your own times.

  7. A weekday black and white block schedule for you to color-in with highlighters add your own times.

  8. A weekend black and white block schedule for you to color-in with highlighters add your own times.

Tip: You can even print this for your teen to use and learn how to be more productive!

Jordan Page offers a free block schedule printable, which you can find on her YouTube channel. Personally, I use my own block schedule printable as I tailored it specifically for my needs - but you choose the one you prefer. You can watch her YouTube video, where she shares how to use the block schedule. Happy scheduling!

Salam, I’m Zakeeya!

I believe being a wife, a mother, and making our homes a sanctuary for our families brings us tremendous blessings, fulfillment, and improves society. Since 2011, I've been committed to helping Muslimas find tranquility in their roles, take better care of themselves, and attain contentment within. Our journey is not an easy one, but I pray the resources and mentoring I offer, will assist in navigating you through your everyday challenges with mindfulness and gratitude, inshallah. Join me as I share wifehood, motherhood, homemaking, and lifestyle solutions that make life more fulfilling for you as a woman! READ MORE

Do you need help getting organized or feel in a slump as a Mom?

Book a mentoring session and let me assist you in setting up an effective schedule to get your life back on track. Sometimes, we merely need a helping hand from someone who has the experience of dealing with and combating extreme overwhelm.

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