Islam’s Answer to Feminism: Guidance from the Quran
I felt inspired to write this article after coming across a thought-provoking Facebook carousel by Al Qawareer (may Allah SWT reward the author) that contrasted feministic statements with Quranic verses. It was a beautiful reminder of how much clarity and wisdom our deen offers in a world that often confuses us.
Feminism is a disease that has infiltrated the Muslim ummah. It’s not just an ideology about “women’s rights” as it claims to be; it’s a destructive force breaking apart families, disrupting marriages, leading to negligent parenting, and exposing our children to abuse and fitna. Sadly, many people—both men and women—are unaware of its dangerous consequences.
Let’s be clear: feminism was never about helping women, but about increasing wealth and following the devil.
Feminism at its core, is a war on families and more specifically, a war on women. It tears apart homes—the very foundation of stable societies—while feeding women lies that lead them astray. It promotes the false belief that women will be carefree, happier, and more fulfilled by chasing lengthy studies and exhausting careers. In reality, these goals drain their energy and resources, go against their female nature, and leave them feeling unfulfilled and vulnerable.
Feminism encourages women to spend the best years of their youth to make society wealthier under the guise of “independence” and “education.” It glorifies zina and abortion as “empowering choices” by promoting meaningless relationships over becoming a wife and mother. It teaches women to despise and mistrust men by sowing seeds of fear and resentment, making healthy relationships nearly impossible. The result is living a life of loneliness, isolation, and depression for so many women who believed the lies.
Seeing how impressionable men and women fall for this trap is heartbreaking.
To all fathers, husbands, brothers, and uncles, I urge you to protect the women in your lives from the harmful ideology of feminism. Lead them with kindness, strength, and integrity along the siratul mustaqeem. Allah SWT has appointed you as the head of the household, and it’s your responsibility to ensure that your family members fulfill their roles and stay steadfast on the deen.
And to all mothers, wives, sisters, daughters, aunts, and teachers, I say, please don’t fall for the false ideology of feminism, as it is not meant to guide and protect women. Instead, it makes us stray from the right path, tricks us into thinking men are our enemy when shaytan is, and suppresses our fitra of being nurturers, caregivers, and supporters of the family structure and communities.
The Beauty of Quranic Verses in Debunking Feminism
When feminists say, “A woman can do whatever a man can do.” Allah SWT says:
“And the male is not like the female.” (3:36)
When feminists say, “Men and women should have equal rights and status.” Allah SWT says:
“Do not wish for what Allah has bestowed upon some of you over others. Men will have the reward of their deeds and women will have the reward of their deeds. And ask Allah for His bounty. Indeed, Allah is All- Knowing of everything.” (4:32)
When feminists say, “Women don't need men; they should be independent.” Allah SWT says:
“Men are in charge of women by right of what Allah has given one over the other and what they spend (for maintenance) from their wealth.” (4:34)
When feminists say, “Women should be permitted to dress as they wish as it’s their body, their choice.” Allah SWT says
“O Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters, and the believing women to draw their outer garments over themselves; that is more likely that they will be known (as chaste women) and will not be harassed.” (33:59)
When feminists say, “Men are inherently oppressive towards women and have always been their enemies.” Allah SWT says:
"The believing men and believing women are allies of one another.” (9:71)
When feminists say, “Monogamy is the standard for a man to be considered loyal in a relationship.” Allah SWT says:
“Then marry those that please you of other women, two or three or four. But if you fear that you will not be just, then marry only one.” (4:3)
When feminists say, “Women don't owe obedience to any man.” Allah SWT says:
“So righteous women are devoutly obedient, guarding in (the husband's) absence what Allah would have them guard.” (4:34)
When feminists say, “Women should be encouraged to dominate the workplace and infiltrate all the educational fields.” Allah SWT says:
“And stay in your houses, and do not display yourselves like that of the times of ignorance.” (33:33)
When feminists say, “Men are Trash.” Allah SWT says:
“Corrupt women are for corrupt men, and corrupt men are for corrupt women.” (24:26)
Inshallah, this compilation of Quranic verses will help us remember right and wrong and keep us grounded on what is required of us if we falter or feel swayed by the majority. Let’s only turn to the Quran and Sunnah, which offer us all the guidance we need to live contented, balanced, and purpose-driven lives.
Our deen protects women in a way no ideology ever can, giving us the rights, dignity, and responsibilities that allow us to thrive as individuals and as a community. May Allah SWT protect us and our families from the fitna of these times and keep us firm on the straight path. Ameen.
Salam, I’m Zakeeya! ♥️
I believe that as women, we have a special role in creating homes filled with love, tranquility, and blessings. As wives and mothers, our efforts not only nurture our families but also strengthen the foundation of society as a whole. Since 2011, I’ve been committed to helping my fellow sisters find peace and contentment in their roles—focusing on wellbeing, personal growth, and living a life that pleases Allah SWT. Through heartfelt advice and practical guidance, I share time-honored solutions for wifehood, motherhood, homemaking, and cultivating a lifestyle rooted in faith, purpose, and gratitude. I hope you'll join me on this blessed path together by subscribing. You can also read more about me here.
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