50+ Valuable Life Lessons I’ve Learned After Turning 50

Alhamdulillah, I turned fifty just two months ago, and as I reflect on my journey, I see a life filled with incredible memories. Of course, there were many ups and downs—moments of deep joy and others of profound pain—but no one’s life is without challenges. This dunya is, after all, a test and a trial for us.

Over the years, I’ve encountered all kinds of people—a few truly wonderful and others not so much. I’ve accomplished many goals—some I planned for, while others unfolded unexpectedly. But through it all, my life has primarily been one of a daughter, wife, and mother, and for that, I am truly grateful.

People often tell me I don’t look anything close to my age, and I feel very young at heart. I believe it’s because I learned early on how to embrace a more tranquil life. I stopped overthinking and doubting myself, I let go of the need to control others—because you simply can’t—I removed worrying from my thought process, and placed my full trust in Allah SWT. This mindset has lifted a weight off my shoulders, leaving me feeling unburdened and contented, alhamdulillah.

So, as I reach this milestone, I feel compelled to share some of the most valuable lessons I’ve learned over the past five decades. My hope is that, especially if you are younger, you might find wisdom in them and use these insights to become the person you aspire to be, inshaAllah.

50+ Lessons I Learned After Turning 50

Faith & Mindset

  1. Don't be afraid of change; sometimes it brings a better outcome.

  2. Trust only in Allah SWT, as He is the ONLY ONE Who will never disappoint you.

  3. Nothing will break you when you have complete faith and know that the afterlife is your real home.

  4. Never miss a day of making dua—ask Allah SWT for what you want at every salah.

  5. Make morning and evening adhkar a habit to gain more protection and blessings.

  6. Stop overthinking; what is meant for you will always find you.

  7. Be patient with hardships—they are tests from Allah SWT and always teach you valuable lessons.

  8. Success stems from consistency more than anything else; small efforts add up.

    Health & Well-Being

  9. Take care of your health first—no one will prioritize it for you.

  10. Rest when needed; work never ends, but your body needs balance.

  11. Stay active and take care of your body—it’s an amanah from Allah.

  12. Eat clean and avoid processed foods; what you consume affects your body and mind.

  13. Declutter often and live simply—hoarding and clutter only add stress.

  14. Always smell nice for yourself and your family and scent your home and surroundings in natural ways.

  15. Make your home feel cozy and be a welcoming abode for yourself and your family.

  16. Avoid toxic skincare, haircare, and household products—opt for natural alternatives.

  17. Turn to Prophetic, traditional, Chinese, ayurvedic, and natural remedies before using modern medicine.

  18. Eat less and more mindfully.

  19. Look good and stay trim; no matter your age, how you look on the outside affects your inside.

    Relationships & Family

  20. Be less available for friends and acquaintances; family is your true anchor.

  21. Help people solely for the sake of Allah SWT, not for appreciation.

  22. Stay independent in your finances—most people won’t be happy with your success.

  23. Never share your deepest secrets with friends or anyone, especially about your marriage and personal life.

  24. Stop expecting your husband to fulfill your every need—find hobbies and friendships to enrich your life.

  25. Be present and kind to your kids because they will treat you how you treated them.

  26. Don’t neglect your spouse—your kids will leave soon, and you and your husband will be left inshallah.

  27. Learn to enjoy being alone; solitude helps you think, reflect, and grow.

    Social Media & Boundaries

  28. Social media is a time-waster; avoid it or stick to one or two platforms if you must. Give up Instagram if you can, as it’s the worst of them all.

  29. Never post yourself or your kids online—protect your privacy, stay modest, and guard against the evil eye. This is something I never did, alhamdulillah, but I would have deep regret if I did.

  30. Limit sharing your life updates with others—many people are not genuinely happy for you.

  31. Follow and learn from God-fearing, genuine, and wise people—not influencers chasing clout, wealth, and fame.

  32. Be less present online and focus on your real-life relationships to avoid isolation, depression, and anxiety.

    Success & Personal Growth

  33. It’s better to have no friends than bad friends.

  34. Make the Quran a part of your life, as it is a healing and will prevent feelings of hopelessness and sadness.

  35. Learn about the life of the Prophet SAW and the sahabah to learn how to fulfill your roles and live your life.

  36. Never stop learning the deen; it makes your life easier when you clearly know what's right and wrong.

  37. Don't follow the crowd or what society does—be a thinker and critical of what's told to you.

  38. Don't hurt others, be mean to people, or deceive, as it is a sin and will come back to you.

  39. When you have a goal, just start—don’t overthink it.

  40. Perfectionism is an illusion; progress matters more than getting things “perfect.”

  41. Learn the deen continuously—read, seek knowledge, and grow in wisdom.

  42. Create what YOU love from the heart, not what you think others will want.

  43. Confidence comes from action—stop doubting yourself and take the next step.

  44. Never take advice from those who have not achieved what you seek.

  45. Learn about human psychology, gender differences, and effective communication—it will make you wiser than most.

    Character & Communication

  46. Control your emotions and anger—you will always win by staying calm and collected.

  47. Talk less, listen more—you will learn more and be judged less.

  48. Never be controversial for the sake of fame—be sincere and speak the truth.

  49. Stop caring about what people think of you; as long as you’re following Islam, you’re on the right path.

  50. Most critical and negative people have not achieved much and are unhappy—don’t take them seriously.

  51. Be well-mannered, kind-hearted, and easygoing—people will enjoy being around you.

  52. Having wisdom, patience, and resilience is better than having a fancy degree or immense wealth.

    Practical Life Advice

  53. Stop fighting, arguing, and needing to be “right” all the time—it only brings stress and shows a big ego.

  54. Don’t ignore your gut feeling—our bodies often react before our minds catch up.

  55. Money and fame are overrated—choose love, time, and meaningful relationships.

  56. Stop giving unwanted advice; only advise when asked and stay on topic.

  57. Never choose work over family time and health—it’s a losing game.

  58. Prioritize being a homemaker; a peaceful home is the foundation of a strong family.

  59. Don’t try to “save the world”—leave that to the men and focus on keeping the peace at home.

  60. Avoid joining organizations and groups unless absolutely necessary—many of them become toxic and corrupt.

    Business & Financial Wisdom

  61. Be sincere when promoting something—people are tired of hustle culture.

  62. If starting a business, stick to a niche and be content with a small, loyal audience over chasing mass appeal.

  63. Stay smart with your finances—avoid debt and unnecessary spending.

  64. Giving more than you take will always bring barakah into your life.

  65. Give charity often, as it will increase your blessings and keep you humble.

These are just a few of the lessons I’ve learned over the years; I will aim to add more as I recall them, inshallah. I hope you benefitted from my tips as an older aunty! Remember, life is short, and peace of mind is priceless. May Allah SWT grant us wisdom, contentment, and the ability to live our lives with purpose, ameen.

Salaam, I’m Zakeeya

I believe that making our homes a safe haven for our families, as well as being a wife and mother, brings us great blessings, contentment, and benefits society as a whole. Since 2011, I've been dedicated to assisting Muslimas in finding tranquility in their roles, taking better care of themselves, and achieving inner peace. Our journey in this world is not an easy one, but I pray the tools and guidance I offer will help you face life's challenges with more gratitude and mindfulness. Join me as I share wifehood, motherhood, homemaking, and lifestyle solutions that make life more fulfilling for you as a woman, inshallah. Read more about me here.

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